Anyone who has ever had a hemorrhoid or prolapse knows that it is something that is no laughing matter. It is not only an uncomfortable condition, it is something that is embarrassing to talk about. The fact remains, that you don’t have to. There is a procedure that although not new, has been perfected over the past two decades, and is providing relief for sufferers across the nation. By seeking medical attention, it is possible to live hemorrhoid, and pain, free in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica.

What is a Hemorrhoid or Prolapse?
The reason that no one wants to discuss a hemorrhoid, or prolapse, is because of the way that it appears. They are small bulges that appear on the rectal opening of the anus. Many people will have hemorrhoids and never even know about them. It is not until they become a problem, or prolapse, that people experience enough discomfort to find them an inconvenience. Most hemorrhoids will be an acute situation that seems to appear and disappear as quickly as they did, receiving no attention all. Others will be short lived, and can be taken care of effective by treating the symptoms with over the counter medications. There are times, however, when they will be chronic and lead a person to alter their daily activities, or have a decreased quality of life.

A hemorrhoid is when the connective, or muscle tissue, that is located around the anus begins to break down. When that happens, there are veins and tissue that can become inflamed. When the soft cushioned tissue that appears in the rectum and the anus swell, it can become “kinked” which results in a sore that appears like a bump and can be highly sensitive. If there is straining during bowel movements, those sores can be pushed outwards, which is when the hemorrhoid is considered to be prolapsed. There are two different types of hemorrhoids, internal and external.

Internal hemorrhoids more often lead to painless bleeding. For many the only reason that they are spotted is because there is an alarming bright red bleeding that will appear on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl if they are broken open. The external ones, however, have a tendency to be more sensitive and cause more discomfort. Once they are on the exterior they can be seen and usually will cause pain when sitting, or to the touch. They often will break open and bleed and will lead to itching and burning while healing in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica.

What causes Hemorrhoids and how can you Prevent them?
Hemorrhoids can have many causes. They have a tendency to appear in older age as the tissue in the rectum begins to break down and the insult of many years begins to be felt. For women who are pregnant, or have gone through childbirth, it is likely that they will experience hemorrhoids as a result. There are other reasons that a person is more prone to the occurrence of them such as poor diet, not being properly hydrated, not having enough fiber in your diet. Reading your iPad on the toilet will only worsen them as well. 

The best treatment for hemorrhoids in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica is to take steps to prevent them for occurring. Although it is sometimes impossible to prevent certain things like childbirth, there are ways that you can change your diet, increase your fiber intake, or get enough exercise to keep hemorrhoids at bay. If you already know you have a propensity for them, taking steps to change the things that irritate, or bring them to surface, is the best way to prevent them. Taking the following steps are a reasonable way to prevent them:

•  Get a minimum of 2 liters of water per day
•  Avoid foods like excessive dairy, or high sodium intake that will irritate them
•  Maintain regular bowel movements
•  Try not to sit for long periods of time
•  Get out and get moving, exercise is key to staving them off

What is a PPH Hemorrhoidectomy?
Some people may find that hemorrhoids can become a chronic condition that only continues to become more prominent over time, causing more of concern, and limiting their overall quality of life. For those procedures such as PPH Hemorrhoidectomy may be warranted and necessary in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica.

PPH Hemorrhoidectomy is a procedure that is performed by a clinician who has diagnosed the individual with hemorrhoids. PPH Hemorrhoidectomy is not only for hemorrhoids, it is an effective treatment for prolapse as well. It is also referred to as circumferential mucosectomy or stapled hemorrhoidectomy. The device is able to isolate the tissue that is causing the condition, cut it out, and then staple the remaining ends together to hasten the healing of it. In doing so, the tissue remaining should return to normal function and the pain should decrease.

It is an advanced procedure that is able to take care of the hemorrhoid of concern with very little invasion to the person. It is done primarily on an outpatient basis, with most experiencing very little discomfort or pain. The recovery time is very minimal and return to activity is quick and without incident. It is a viable alternative to expensive, and invasive surgeries and if you are a candidate, the results are pretty immediate and dramatic.

If you are having a difficult time with hemorrhoid pain and discomfort and changing your habits and other forms of maintenance have been unsuccessful for you, it may be time to seek medical help in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica. The PPH Hemorrhoidectomy is an effective treatment for those who would like to have a better quality of life, and stop the chronic condition that they have caused.

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    PPH is a technique developed in the early 90's that reduces the prolapse of hemorrhoidal tissue by excising a band of the prolapsed anal mucosa membrane with the use of a circular stapling device. 

    In PPH, the prolapsed tissue is pulled into a device that allows the excess tissue to be removed while the remaining hemorrhoidal tissue is stapled. This restores the hemorrhoidal tissue back to its original anatomical position.

    This is just a blog - it is NOT a replacement for medical advice.  Please go see a proctologist (colorectal surgeon).