Hemorrhoids are something that almost everyone has, but there are some who know it and others who never will. The condition is not something that is rare, in fact, there are millions of people across the nation who have them right now whether they know it or not. In many cases, hemorrhoids will not be discovered by the individual until they cause either physical evidence, such as being seen, or felt, or they leave a telltale sign of blood. Usually nothing to be concerned about, they will heal on their own and cause no further grief for more than a day or two.

What are Hemorrhoids and Prolapse and What are the Symptoms?
A hemorrhoid or prolapse is a condition that results in the the hemorrhoid losing its anchoring to the rectal lining.  They are caused by the breakdown of the muscular, or connective, tissue in the rectum. Over time, the cushioned tissue located in the rectum begins to breakdown which can cause a prolapse or a variety of other symptoms.  In most cases, these symptoms will never be noticed unless they progressand bleed causing concern for those who experience them. Because there are few nerves in the rectum and anus, they are often not painful, nor do they cause much discomfort. When they are inflamed, they may bleed leaving blood either in the toilet bowl or on toilet paper. For those who don’t know what it is, it can be very concerning to people in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica.

There are two different types of hemorrhoids, internal and external.  Internal hemorrhoids are those which occur inside the rectum. They are the less ominous of the two. Often going unnoticed, they are usually only felt when straining for a bowel movement if they are disturbed. External hemorrhoids are those which can not only be felt, but may be seen. They are small bumps  that occur around the exterior of the anus and are sore to the touch. Being highly sensitive, they can bleed with bowel straining and cause discomfort upon sitting or through other physical activities. Most of them will clear on their own within a couple of days requiring no intervention.

When a hemorrhoid becomes a chronic condition they do not clear up as quickly and have a tendency to return with greater  frequency. The more that a person experiences them the more pain they tend to cause and the more they tend to become a hinderance in the daily lives for those who have them.

What are the Causes of Hemorrhoids?
The best way to treat hemorrhoids is by taking steps to prevent them. They are normally experienced by those individuals of advancing age, although people of any age can have them. They are a combination of lifestyle incidents and daily habits. Women have a tendency to experience them more often, only made worse by childbirth and pregnancy. Other causes of hemorrhoids can be:

•  Lack of physical activity

•  Sitting for long periods of time

•  Constipation

•  Poor dietary habits

•  Lack of fiber in the diet

•  Advancing age

•  Dehydration

By making simple changes to your dietary and daily habits it is possible to decrease the frequency of hemorrhoids. Taking in a minimum of 2 liters per day, to make sure that you are not dehydrated will help. Straining for bowel movement is one of the causes for them, so making sure to stave off constipation is important for the maintenance of them. Staying away from foods that are high in fat, and sodium, or an excess amount of dairy is also a good idea. Getting plenty of exercise is not only important for your overall health, but can be very helpful in keeping hemorrhoids at bay. The most important prevention of them is to have regular bowel movements.

There are times when there is nothing you can do about the causes of hemorrhoids and once you have them, you are more likely to have more of them. When prevention is not enough to cure the condition, there are some over the counter medications that are effective to help. Although doing nothing to cure them, or to lessen them, some are fairly good at treating the symptoms of itching and pain. Analgesics will be able to lessen the discomfort for everyday activities, or after straining for a bowel movement. There are times, however, when nothing that you are able to do on your own will be enough for you to find relief from them. When that happens, it may be necessary to consider procedures such as PPH,  or Procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids.

What is PPH Surgery for Rectal Prolapse in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica?
Prolapse occurs when internal hemorrhoids are pushed outward. It is when they are located on the exterior of the rectum that they have a tendency to create the most discomfort for those who have them. When they are on the exterior, it is more common to experience itching and pain, and for over the counter, or natural means of prevention to be ineffective. There are some hemorrhoids that will be too large for the procedure, but for others, it is a minimally invasive surgical method that can bring on great, and long term, relief for many.

PPH in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica is also know as circumferential mucosectomy or stapled hemorrhoidectomy.  It is a procedure which targets the prolapsed hemorrhoid, cutting off the tissue of concern and following it up with staples that not only aid in healing but cut off any further blood supply to the affected area The thing that keeps a hemorrhoid viable is the blood supply to it. This procedure involves a device that incises the hemorrhoid, removing the excess tissue and then follows it up with a circular staple that is then used to repair the tissue around it.

Once the tissue has been stapled, it is then automatically replaced back into the rectum. Not only is it a procedure which has shown great promise, it is one that has a huge advantage over other procedures which were traditionally used for the removal of hemorrhoids. It has a much decreased length of recovery time, it results in less pain for the patient, and for most, can be done on an outpatient basis. Best of all, most who have the procedure performed can return to their normal activities within days, and require very little pain relief.

PPH Surgery For Rectal Prolapse is one of the best procedures available for hemorrhoid and prolapse. Hemorrhoids are an uncomfortable, and in some, a debilitating condition which will not just disappear on its  own. Although uncomfortable to talk about, living with it is even more uncomfortable. It is not necessary for many to live with, or endure the suffering involved with prolapse and hemorrhoids when such an effective cure is available.

If you are experiencing the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids or prolapse and the means of control that you have used is no longer effective in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica, it may be time to find a professional who can help. By seeking the attention of medical professionals in your area, you will be able to find a solution to treat your hemorrhoid condition in a safe, and effective, way.

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    PPH is a technique developed in the early 90's that reduces the prolapse of hemorrhoidal tissue by excising a band of the prolapsed anal mucosa membrane with the use of a circular stapling device. 

    In PPH, the prolapsed tissue is pulled into a device that allows the excess tissue to be removed while the remaining hemorrhoidal tissue is stapled. This restores the hemorrhoidal tissue back to its original anatomical position.

    This is just a blog - it is NOT a replacement for medical advice.  Please go see a proctologist (colorectal surgeon).