As if the discomfort of hemorrhoids and hemorrhoid prolapse is not hurdle enough, there remains the stigma around them that makes many people do nothing to seek help for them. If you had an open wound that would not heal, you wouldn’t give a second thought to consulting a physician, but because of the embarrassing and compromising position that a hemorrhoid will appear in, many choose to deal with them on their own and suffer with them in silence. Overcoming the conditions that make people not take the steps to treat hemorrhoids is an additional hurdle to the condition itself in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica.

What are Hemorrhoids and hemorrhoid Prolapse?
If you are unaware of what a hemorrhoid is you probably have never had one. If you have had one, there are many telltale signs of them, and they cause enough discomfort for you to remember their appearance. A hemorrhoid is a swelling that can appear either internally, or externally. When they are internal, they may have no signs at all. Almost everyone will have one at one point in their life, but when they are in the interior region of the anus, you may not even know. The problem only arises when you are straining to have a bowel movement and they break open and bleed, or when they are pushed outward or become “prolapsed”.

Hemorrhoids are caused by the weakening of the cushion tissue on the interior of the rectum. When the muscle and connective tissue located around and inside the rectum starts to breakdown you can experience a kink in the tissue and veins that will cause swelling. These swelling when remaining internal are normally not felt. Because there are few nerves in the rectum, when internal the only way that a person usually knows they have hemorrhoids is when either they burst leaving bright red blood, or they are pushed out and able to be seen.

When a hemorrhoid is pushed outward and becomes prolapsed, not only can it be felt, it is much more sensitive to the touch. A physical swelling, you can feel and see. It becomes painful when straining for a bowel movement and can also be felt when sitting or performing physical activities. They normally will disappear quickly causing no long term discomfort, but there are times when they will become chronic and need intervention to cure the symptoms in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Hemorrhoids and Hemorrhoid Prolapse in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica
Not everyone will experience symptoms of their hemorrhoids and there are some which will have symptoms that are commonly associated with other conditions. Before assuming that the symptoms that you are experiencing are attributed to this mostly harmless condition, it may be reasonable to seek medical attention to assure that it is nothing more ominous. The symptoms of hemorrhoids are:

•  A swelling that can be seen exterior on or around the opening of the anus
•  It will normally be inflamed and sensitive to the touch
•  Bright red bleeding when straining for a bowel movement
•  Itching and burning
•  Having trouble in seated positions or physical activity

Whenever you see blood in your stools it is best to have an evaluation. The blood that is associated with a hemorrhoid or prolapse will be bright red in color and either appear on the toilet paper or in the toilet bowel. Blood in your stool that is not bright red should always be further investigated.

There are things that you can do to prevent hemorrhoids. Although the causes for them are varied, and some such as childbirth and pregnancy for which you can do nothing about, there are other changes that you can make to lessen their effect.

•  Maintain a healthy amount of exercise
•  Change your dietary habits to get enough fruits and vegetables
•  Add fiber to your diet
•  Avoid constipation
•  Maintain regular bowel movements to avoid straining
•  Maintain hydration
•  Avoid sitting for long periods of time on the toilet

Although prevention is a reasonable way to keep hemorrhoids well maintained, there are some over the counter products will, although not helping to cure them, will help to ease the discomfort of them. Analgesics can be purchased that will ease the pain of hemorrhoids which are in most cases fleeting and short lived. There are times when hemorrhoids can be chronic and no prevention or easy treatment will be found to aid in return to normal activity for those who have them. In some cases it may be necessary to investigate procedures to alleviate them all together.

Procedures That Have Shown Effectiveness for Hemorrhoid Sufferers in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica
Although no one is really thrilled about talking about the discomfort experienced with hemorrhoids, it is sometimes necessary. There are many effective treatments that will help to alleviate not only the symptoms, but will clear up their occurrence all together. The best way to ascertain which procedures you are a candidate for is best done by seeking medical attention. One procedure that has been found to be very effective is PPH for hemorrhoids and prolapse.

PPH Hemorrhoidectomy is a procedure that involves eliminating the hemorrhoid all together. Using a special staple device, the excess hemorrhoidal tissue is excised and fixed in its normal position. By cutting off the blood supply, it is less likely that you will experience a recurrence in the future. It is usually associated with less pain than traditional surgery as the surgery is done in an area with less pain fibers.  Not a new procedure, it is one that has enjoyed great success over the past two decades.

An advantage to the procedure is that it is much less invasive than traditional hemorrhoid surgery techniques. The recovery time is much less, and the need for pain medication is also less. It is also an effective treatment for long term success, with many being able to return to their daily activities within days. For those who are in good health, it is usually performed on an outpatient basis with very few having any side effects at all.

There is no reason to suffer through the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids or prolapse when procedures are available to cure them. Many will prefer to suffer in silence instead of seeking medical help. The procedures available are not only effective, but minimally invasive. Overcoming the hurdles of being able to talk with your clinician about your hemorrhoids means opening up the potential to live comfortably without them. Instead of trying to deal with the condition on your own, it is better to always discuss what you are experiencing with your doctor. You will be able to devise a plan that will help you treat it and live the life that you want.

When over the counter means, or prevention has not been enough to avoid the discomfort of hemorrhoids in your everyday routine, it may be necessary to seek the medical attention of a professional. Being able to treat them, it is possible to carry on a life hemorrhoid free with very little inconvenience besides just taking the steps to discuss it with your clinician in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or Santa Monica

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    PPH is a technique developed in the early 90's that reduces the prolapse of hemorrhoidal tissue by excising a band of the prolapsed anal mucosa membrane with the use of a circular stapling device. 

    In PPH, the prolapsed tissue is pulled into a device that allows the excess tissue to be removed while the remaining hemorrhoidal tissue is stapled. This restores the hemorrhoidal tissue back to its original anatomical position.

    This is just a blog - it is NOT a replacement for medical advice.  Please go see a proctologist (colorectal surgeon).